Friday, 8 December 2017

Scelta logo per il Liceo Marconi

Questo è il link per la scelta del miglior logo: 
Osserva ogni logo e scegli quale preferisci. Il logo che riceverà più voti parteciperà alla selezione per il miglior logo Progetto Erasmus+ "Multilingualism for a Sustainable Society". 
Il progetto vede coinvolte quattro scuole superiori di Svezia, Germania, Portogallo e Italia. 
In ogni scuola verrà scelto il miglior logo prodotto dagli alunni dell'istituto e  infine, tra i quattro migliori  logo scelti nelle quattro scuole europee, verrà scelto quello che rappresenterà il progetto.
Vota il logo che preferisci, hai tempo fino al 12/12/2017. 
Puoi esprimere una sola opzione.
Alla fine della selezione il logo scelto verrà digitalizzato.

Sunday, 12 November 2017

Questionnaires for the meeting in Pescara

Hello KITErs,
Here you have the links for the questionnaires you have to fill in.

This is for students:
Ex post Questionnaire for students 


and this is for teachers:
Ex post Questionnaire for headmasters/teachers


but, please, do not forget to fill in the questionnaires you had to fill in before the meeting.

This is for students:
Ex ante Questionnaire for students 

and this is for teachers:
Ex ante Questionnaire for headmasters/teachers 


We need these data to evaluate the project activities... 😉😇😂

Thursday, 2 November 2017

Questionnaires for the meeting in Pescara

Hello KITErs,

here you have the links for the two questionnaires you have to fill in for the meeting in Pescara:

ex-ante for headmasters/teachers

ex-ante for students

Please, do not forget to fill in as soon as possible... 

Tuesday, 31 October 2017

KITE: meeting program in Pescara

KITE an Erasmus+ project
Meeting in Pescara
06/11/2017 - 10/11/2017

Saturday 04/11/2017
Arrival of the German team
Teachers will be picked up in Pescara and brought to the Hotel Salus,
Students will be picked up by Host families in Pescara

Sunday 05/11/2017
Arrival of Austrian, Greek and French teams
Teachers will be picked up in Pescara and brought to the Hotel Salus
Students will be picked up by Host families in Pescara
Students: Evening with hosting families
Teachers: Optional dinner at La Sirenetta Restaurant

Monday 06/11/2017
h. 8.30 Welcome meeting at school and ice breaking activities
h. 9.00 Official opening of the meeting
h. 9.30 concert: MIBE Orchestra
h. 10.30 coffee break
h. 10.50 ice breaking activities
h. 11.45 headmaster speech
h. 12:00 ice breaking activities
h. 13.00 Lunch
h. 14.30-15:15 workshop
h. 15.15-16.30 workshop
h. 14.30-16.00 Coordinators meeting
Arrival of Slovakian Team
Teachers will be picked up in Pescara and brought to the Hotel Salus,
Students will be picked up by Host families in Pescara
h. 20.00 Optional dinner for teachers

Tuesday 07/11/2017
h. 8.30 Meeting at school
h. 8.40-11.00 workshop: Keep Calm and Happy Coding
h. 8.40-11.00 Coordinators meeting
h. 11.00 coffee break
h. 11.20 Guided tour at “Museo delle Genti D’Abruzzo” and “Casa di D’Annunzio”
h. 13.00 Lunch
h. 14.00-16.30 Treasure Hunt with Teams award
h. 14.30-16.00 Coordinators meeting
h. 18.00 Optional dinner for teachers at Buccicatino - Vacri (teachers)

Wednesday 08/11/2017
h. 8.30 Meeting at School
h. 9.00 - 17:00 Guided tour at Pastificio De Cecco and Excursion at Gole of San Martino
h. 20.00 Optional dinner for teachers at Rostelle & Co

Thursday 09/11/2017
h. 8.00 Meeting at Central Bus Station
h. 8.15 Guided tour at Telespazio and visit at Celano Castle
h. 13.00 Lunch
h. 17.00 Back to Pescara
h. 19.00 – 23.30 farewell dinner at school

Venerdì 10/11/2017
h. 8.30 meeting at school
Workshop: Cinema Passion
h.11.00 coffee break
h. 13.00 end of activities

KITE: Programma incontro di Pescara

KITE Progetto Erasmus+

Programma per la mobilità in Italia
dal 06/11/2017 al 10/11/2017

Sabato 04/11/2017
Arrivo del team tedesco
Studenti: affidamento alle famiglie

Domenica 05/11/2017
Arrivo dei team austriaco, francese e greco
Studenti: affidamento alle famiglie

Lunedì 06/11/2017
h. 8.30 accoglienza e consegna gadget
h. 9.00 apertura ufficiale dei lavori, benvenuto e saluti
h. 9.30 concerto orchestra MIBE
h. 10.30 coffee break offerto a tutti dalla scuola
h. 10.50 lezione di italiano How to survive in Pescara; how to survive with Pescara…
h. 11.45 headmaster speech
h. 12:00 danze popolari abruzzesi
h.13.00 pranzo
h. 14.30-15:15 workshop
h. 15.15-16.30 workshop
In serata arrivo del team slovacco
Studenti: affidamento alle famiglie

Martedì 07/11/2017
h. 8.30 tutti a scuola
h. 8.40-11.00 workshop: Keep Calm and Happy Coding
h. 11.00 break
h. 11.20 Museo delle Genti D’Abruzzo e Casa di d’Annunzio
h. 13.00 pranzo
h. 14.00-16.30 caccia al tesoro, con premio finale alla squadra vincitrice

Mercoledì 08/11/2017
h. 8.30 tutti a scuola
h. 9.00 – 17:00 partenza per visita al Pastificio De Cecco e alle Gole di San Martino

Giovedì 09/11/2017
h. 8.00 Raduno alla stazione degli autobus
h. 8.15 partenza per Telespazio
h. 13.00 pranzo al sacco
h. 17.00 rientro a Pescara
h. 19.00-23.30 consegna attestati e farewell dinner a scuola

Venerdì 10/11/2017
Partenza del team slovacco
h. 8.30 tutti a scuola
Workshop: Cinema Passion
h.11.00 coffee break
h. 13.00 fine attività

Sabato 11/11/2017
Partenza dei delegati

Wednesday, 30 August 2017

KITE: Riunione primo settembre 2017

Hello KITErs,

come sapete dal 6 al 10 novembre 2017 riceveremo i partner e gli studenti del progetto KITE.

Dobbiamo definire le attività nei minimi dettagli per predisporre un calendario da mandare ai partner quanto prima.

Il primo settembre siamo tutti convocati per il Collegio Docenti, quindi è l’occasione buona per vederci.

Potremmo incontrarci alle 9.00, il collegio è alle 11.00.

Vi prego di non mancare.

Un caro saluto,


Cominceremo a discutere anche delle attività da proporre per l'Erasmusday del 13 ottobre 2017.

Monday, 31 July 2017

KITE: Second Newsletter

Newsletter 2 - July 2017

1. Mobilities
2. Activities
3. IC-tools
4. Dissemination
5.Going on

Dear KITE-partners,
The KITE-project is now plenty on the move... even if it marks a little break right now because of the holidays. A lot has already been accomplished and we still have a lot of things to do.

1. Mobilities
Two mobilities have taken place since the last newsletter from January 2017. The first one in Crete (Rethymnon) and the second one in Austria (Eisenerz). Both of them went very well and brought their part of very interesting and useful knowledge and skills.

The mobility in Rethymnon has simply been great. Teachers from Austria, Italy, Slovakia, and Reunion were there with their pupils and were greatly welcomed by the Greek team. There they had the opportunity to discover a wonderful place with so kind and hospitable people. This place was really the appropriate one to tighten and strengthen the KITE-working team.
The teachers have been able to discover the Greek school-system and to exchange about the use of new technologies in the classroom (see 3. IC-tools). The pupils spent a really good time too, getting to know each other, going in class with their pairs and taking part in activities together, building an international group and making the European countries closer to each other.

The mobility in Eisenerz has simply been great too. Teachers from Germany, Italy, Greece, Slovakia and Reunion joined there together, with pupils too, to work further. The place, located in the middle of the green and astonishing mountains, was definitely amazing. The Austrian team has been so kind and solicitous, making sure their hosts were fully satisfied
Here too, the teachers really had the chance to deepen the reflexion about the convenience of IC-tools in the classroom (see 3. IC-tools). Concerning these tools, the pupils had the occasion to know each other by experimenting the COOL-Method, working in small international groups on a specific topic and then reporting the results of the group work.

2. Activities
After the great photo-marathon, each country had to build a questionnaire concerning itself in order to create the Kahoot-quiz. It has been done. The Kahoot-activity took place in Eisenerz and was a success. International groups of four teachers or four pupils were formed. Each one got a tablet computer. The questions were displayed on a huge screen with a beamer and each group had to answer the questions on its tablet computer... as quickly as possible. This recreational activity allowed to learn more about each country and was a very relevant demonstration of what can be done in the classroom with the kahoot app.
Each country had to post on Dropbox two lessons involving IC-tools. This has been done too. Each KITE-partner can now use these lessons in his own class.

3. IC-Tools
The aim of this project is to show how modern technologies can be used in a positive way in lessons, education and creativity. As well as to minimize prejudices and to enhance tolerance with students and teachers within European countries.
These are the first lines in the description of our project on our application form. And that's what we did so far. The mobilities have given the opportunity to discuss and exchange about the convenience of the use of new technologies in the classroom. Every teacher was asked to show his favourite IC-tool and the ways he/she uses it in the classroom.

Here are the highlights.

- EDMODO : An e-learning platform. A Facebook-like tool. It allows to create a private social network for each of your classes and to make every kind of documents (text, image, audio, video, link...) available to the pupils. It permits to organise discussions, debates and make the communication easier between teacher and pupils outside the
classroom. This platform can be used to put in place a flipped classroom. Another attractive feature of this platform is Facebook-like design which makes it very popular among pupils.

- WEBLY : An e-learning platform. It allows to easily create websites and interactive exercises. It permits to learn and to practice in a funny way and so it may allow to keep the pupils longer in contact with the aimed subject. Memory games, true/false questions, multiple choice questions, fill-in-the-blanks exercises, drag and drop tasks, quiz... everything is possible and is available online in a unique place.

- MOODLE : An e-learning platform. A very complete solution. Allows to set up a private social network for each classroom, to create every kind of interactive tasks, to create blogs, to enhance forums, to make every kind of document available to the pupils. Suitable to set up the flipped classroom. Permits autonomous and customized work.

- KAHOOT : An online application. Allows to create multiple choice questions. Answering time limited. If the test is displayed on a big screen, the pupils can answer the questions with a tablet computer (if Wi-Fi available) or with their own Smartphone. Results exploitable.

- POWERPOINT : PAO-Software. Allows for example to display images with text to stimulate memorization, then images without text.

4. Dissemination
Several actions have been completed to disseminate and to share the results of our work with the public.
- In Rethymnon, in April 2017 the Greek team took part in the Erasmus+ conference in the city to present and promote our project.
- In Eisenerz, during the C2-meeting, the Austrian team invited a journalist who wrote an article about the KITEproject in a local newspaper.
- The official website of the KITE-project is active: 
- Greece is still administrating the Twinspace of our project: 
- Italy is still administrating its blog: 
- Reunion is still administrating its blog too: 
- The team of Reunion took part in the "Erasmus Day", an event commemorating the 30 years of the Erasmusprogramme, and presented the KITE-project there.

5. Going on
So many good things have already been done. But there are so many exciting things to do further. Two other mobilities will take place before the end of the year. The first one in Italy (Pescara), from 6th to 10th November and the second one in Reunion Island (Saint Paul), from 18th to 22nd December. Video conferences are expected in the

So, dear KITERs, more than ever, we have to keep in touch!!!

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

KITE: meeting in Eisenerz

Activities of the meeting in Eisenerz from 15th  until 19th May 2017

Hosting school: HAK Eisenerz, 
 Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Slovakia, 

14th May
15th May:
Welcome meeting in assembly hall at school and presentations informing our hosts about:
·          vocational business school Eisenerz, its pedagogical principles and applied methodologies
·          presentation of the Austrian education system
·          filling in the questionnaire concerning expectations of all participants (students and teachers)
·          COOL-presentation
·          e-education presentation
·          web designing and programming (HTML introduction) with visual basic
Tour through the building showing our equipment and facilities and Ice breaking activities:
  •    Students workshop using the COOL method (groupwork in international groups)
  •    E-education presentation by students of vocational business school Eisenerz

Getting to know the biggest firm in the district: Steelworks Donawitz

The history of Eisenerz: 

Nightwatchman's guided tour through Eisenerz

16th May:
Getting to know the host town Eisenerz and its surroundings: 
  • tour through the Showmine Erzberg
  • Castle Leopoldstein and walk around Leopoldsteiner lake

17th May:
  • Presentation of our KITE website and the Android mobile app
  • Planning and discussing the next meeting in Pescara
  • Kahoot game for all in international groups, topic: finding out more about the participating countries 

18th May:
  • Plastic recycling at Saubermacher
  • Chocolate manufactory Zotter
  • Visiting and tour through Graz
  • Farewell dinner in Graz with traditional Austrian folk music played by students of HAK

19th May:
  • Ipad lesson
  • Digital learning lesson
  • Students workshop about safer internet
  • Filling in the questionnaire for students and teachers evaluating the summit in Eisenerz
  • Visiting the capital of our district: Leoben

20th May: departure 

Sunday, 14 May 2017

Questionnaires for Eisenerz - Austria

Hello KITErs,

Leaving Pescara to Eisenerz...

here you have the links for the questionnaires we prepared for learning, teaching and training activities in Eisenerz, Austria, from the 15th to the 20th of May 2017.
Please, do not forget to fill in them, you'll need only a few minutes.

Saturday, 29 April 2017

Memories of Rethymnon...

I loved doing new experiences and knowing new cultures since I was young!
One week ago I was able to realize my dream: travel abroad and know new people. 
I was in Greece and I enjoyed it so much, I made friends with Greek guys, I expanded my English vocabulary and I knew Rethymno which is a little seaside town. 
I had a fun all the time and I was very happy because I was able to share this wonderful experience with two my dear friends, who made me so much fun!
Thanks a lot to all the teachers who have allowed this project and to the teachers who accompanied us!

About two weeks ago I was in Greece, in Rethymnon where I got to know Greek people and guys from other nations like Austria and Reunion. I spent a beautiful time there: I learned a lot about Greek culture, I made new friends and I had fun with them. It was an experience that consolidated my English knowledge. My two nice friends and I learned to live differently. This experience helped me grow up because I discovered a part of me that I didn't know: I love keeping in touch with people who live in different towns and I think that we are united by the love for languages which are the key to know the world! All this was possible thanks to the teachers who partecipated in this project so I say them: "thank you very much".

I want to thank the project 'Erasmus' for this amazing experience that it gave me. I have met wonderful people who I will always bring in my heart. 
Greek people are friendly, warm and welcoming. Similar to Italian, 'one face one race'. I enjoyed meeting guys from different countries from mine, because I like knowing and comparing the others cultures different from the Italian one. 
During the whole accomodation I always felt like I was at home. It seemed like we already knew each other and it was surprising and fantastic at the same time.
So thank to everyone who have made it possible.